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Dental Implants – The Perfect Solution for Athletes’ Tooth Loss

April 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — jupiter @ 10:45 am
A hockey player with a missing tooth looking into the camera

When you think of athletes, you likely imagine solid and durable figures. That’s only natural – these contenders have the best bodies. Like most, though, even athletes can suffer tooth loss. After all, teeth aren’t invincible; they need care. Still, there’s a solution for this issue: dental implants! These prosthetics are ideal tooth replacements for athletes. As for the reasons, let your Jupiter dentist explain. Here’s how athletes lose teeth, why they should get implants, and how they can prevent further tooth loss.

Athletes Can Easily Lose Teeth

As it happens, athletes have a high risk of tooth loss. That fact mostly stems from the nature of their activities.

For starters, athletes often do things that decay their teeth. Many, for instance, consume loads of sugar-laden carbohydrates – nutrients that erode tooth enamel. Athletes also tend to experience sports-related dehydration, which dries out their mouths and attracts harmful bacteria. Given such things, it’s easy for teeth to decay so much that they fall out.

Worse yet, athletes are also likely to suffer dental injuries. Plenty of sports involve collisions where accidents happen. As such, one wrong move can lead to a knocked-out tooth!

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Thankfully, implants can save athletes’ day. Such prosthetic teeth, you see, suit them better than the alternatives.

Compared to dentures or bridges, implants offer athletes a higher quality of life. They can stay steady and secure during a sporting event, while a denture must be removed beforehand. The same applies to bridges, which can crack or break from impacts. Furthermore, implants are permanent – an athlete won’t need to worry about taking them out.

Certainly, an athlete could get some use out of dentures or bridges. Even so, implants would offer a great many more benefits.

How to Prevent Further Tooth Damage

Though implants can replace missing teeth, they don’t fully eliminate the risk of tooth loss. Therefore, athletes should take steps to protect their smiles from harm. Some excellent ones include:

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene – To prevent tooth decay, brush twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse with mouthwash often.
  • Wear a Mouthguard – A mouthguard is the best way to protect teeth while playing sports. Specifically, it’ll reduce the impact force and control your bite.
  • Avoid Certain Contact Sports – If possible, try to avoid certain contact sports – especially boxing, MMA, and other ones involving blows to the face.

Ultimately, dental implants are highly effective for athletes with missing teeth. If you’re such a sportsperson, book a treatment with your dentist soon!

About the Practice

Jupiter Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry is based in Jupiter, FL. Led by Drs. Shane and Amiee Vaughn, our practice strives to give each patient their absolute dream smile. To that end, we perform preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency dental procedures. You can also trust us with dental implants and periodontal therapy. For more information or to book a visit, reach us on our website or by phone at (386)-677-1046.

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